The regular barcode of persistent relative cohomology

In this notebook we illustrate the use of steenroder for the computation of the regular barcode of persistent relative cohomology with mod 2 coefficients. The filtered simplicial complex \(X\) that we consider is a model for the circle


given by the following tuple of tuple of int:

circle = (
    (1,), (0,1),
    (2,), (1,2), (0,2)

filtration = circle
maxdim = max([len(spx)-1 for spx in filtration])
m = len(filtration)-1

Relative cohomology

We will consider the persistent relative cohomology of \(X\)

\[H^\bullet(X) \leftarrow H^\bullet(X, X_{0}) \leftarrow H^\bullet(X, X_{1}) \leftarrow \cdots \leftarrow H^\bullet(X, X_{m})\]

as a persistence module.

Its regular barcode

For \(i < j \in \{-1,\dots,m\}\) let \(X_{ij}\) be the unique composition \(H^\bullet(X, X_{i}) \leftarrow H^\bullet(X, X_{j})\) with the convention \(X_{-1} = \emptyset\). The barcode of this persistence module is the multiset

\[Bar_X = \big\{ [p,q] \mid -1 \le p < q \le m \big\}\]

defined by the property

\[\mathrm{rank} \, X_{ij} = \mathrm{card} \big\{[p,q] \in Bar_X \mid p \le i < j \le q \big\}.\]
from steenroder import barcodes

barcode, steenrod_barcode = barcodes(0, filtration)

print(f'Barcode of persistent relative cohomology:')
for d in range(maxdim + 1):
    print(f'dim {d}: \n{barcode[d]}')
Barcode of persistent relative cohomology:
dim 0:
[[-1  0]]
dim 1:
[[-1  5]
 [ 3  4]
 [ 1  2]]

How this is computed

Boundary matrix

Order the simplices \(a_0 < a_1 < \dots < a_m\) of \(X\) so that \(X_k = \{a_i \mid i \leq k\}\). Consider the matrix \(D\) representing the boundary map \(\partial \colon C_\bullet(X;\mathbb{F}_2) \to C_{\bullet-1}(X;\mathbb{F}_2)\) with respect to the (ordered) basis determined by the (ordered) simplices. Explicitly,

\[\partial a_j = \sum_{i=0}^m D_{ij} \, a_i.\]

Notice that the submatrix \(D_{\leq j \leq j}\) represents the boundary of \(C_\bullet(X_j;\mathbb F_2)\) for every \(k \in \{0,\dots,m\}\).


We will consider the antitranspose \(D^\perp\) of the boundary matrix \(D\). It is defined for every \(p,q \in \{0, \dots, m\}\) by

\[D^\perp_{p,\, q} = D_{\overline q,\ \overline p}\]

where \(\overline j = m-j\) for \(j \in \{0, \dots, m\}\)

For any \(j \in \{0,\dots,m\}\) the submatrix \(D^\perp_{\leq j, \leq j}\) represents the coboundary map \(\delta \colon C^\bullet(X, X_{\overline j-1}; \mathbb{F}_2) \to C^{\bullet+1}(X, X_{\overline j-1}; \mathbb{F}_2)\) with respect to the (ordered) dual basis \(a_m^\bullet < \dots < a_{m-j}^\bullet\).

The \(R = D^\perp V\) decomposition

Here \(V\) is an invertible upper triangular matrix and \(R\) is reduced, i.e., no two columns have the same pivot row.

Denoting the \(i\)-th column of \(R\) by \(R_{i}\) where \(i \in \{0,\dots,m\}\), let

\[P = \{ i \ |\ R_i = 0\}, \qquad N = \{ i \ |\ R_i \neq 0\}, \qquad E = P \setminus \{\text{pivots of } R\}.\]

The regular barcode

There exists a canonical bijection between the union of \(N\) and \(E\) and the persistence relative cohomology barcode of the filtration given by

\begin{align*} N \ni j &\mapsto \Big[\, \overline j, \overline{\mathrm{pivot}\,R_j}\, \Big] \in Bar^{\dim(a_j)+1}_X \\ E \ni j &\mapsto \big[\! -1, \overline j \, \big] \in Bar^{\dim(a_j)}_X \end{align*}


Additionally, a persistent cocycle representative is given by \begin{equation*} [i,j] \mapsto \begin{cases} V_{\overline j}, & i = -1, \\ R_{\overline i}, & i \neq -1. \end{cases} \end{equation*}

Using steenroder

Splitting by dimension

In steenroder all computations are done dimension by dimension. We start by splitting the filtration into collection of simplices of the same dimension.

from steenroder import sort_filtration_by_dim

filtration_by_dim = sort_filtration_by_dim(filtration)

The output of sort_filtration_by_dim is as follows:

For each dimension d, a list of 2 aligned int arrays: the first is a 1D array containing the (ordered) positional indices of all d-dimensional simplices in filtration; the second is a 2D array whose i-th row is the (sorted) collection of vertices defining the i-th d-dimensional simplex.

for d in range(maxdim + 1):
    positions, simplices = filtration_by_dim[d]
    print(f'dim {d}:\n{simplices}\nin positions {positions}.')
dim 0:
in positions [0 1 3].
dim 1:
[[0 1]
 [1 2]
 [0 2]]
in positions [2 4 5].

A note on anti-transposition

The anti-transposition operation \((-)^\perp\) is determined by composing the usual trnasposition

\[(-)^\mathrm{T} \colon (i, j) \mapsto (j, i),\]

and the horizontal and vertical flips

\[(-)^\mathrm{A} \colon (i,j) \mapsto (\overline i, \overline j).\]

We remark that

\[(M N)^\mathrm{A} = M^\mathrm{A} N^\mathrm{A}.\]

for any pair of square matrices \(M\) and \(N\).

The \(R = D^\perp V\) decomposition

To compute the matrices \(R\) and \(V\) in the decomposition \(R = D^\perp V\) steenroder uses the method compute_reduced_triangular. It actually produces \(R^\mathrm{A}\) and \(V^\mathrm{A}\). More precisely, the output reduced is a tuple of numba.typed.List with reduced[d] the d-dimensional part of \(R^\mathrm{A}\). More explicitly, for an integer \(j\) we have that an integer \(i\) is in the tuple reduced[d][j] if and only if \(R^\mathrm{A}_{ij} = 1\). Similarly triangular[d] is the d-dimensional part of the \(V^\mathrm{A}\). There are also two other auxiliary outputs that will be discussed later, these are spx2idx and idxs.

from steenroder import compute_reduced_triangular

spx2idx, idxs, reduced, triangular = compute_reduced_triangular(filtration_by_dim)

We will verify for our running example that \(R = D^\perp V\) by checking that the coboundary \(D^\mathrm{T}\) of this filtration is equal to \(R^\mathrm{A} U^\mathrm{A}\) where \(U\) is the inverse of \(V\).

Let us start by contructing the coboundary matrix \(D^\mathrm{T}\).

import numpy as np

coboundary = np.zeros((m+1,m+1), dtype=int)
for j, x in enumerate(filtration):
    for i, y in enumerate(filtration):
        if len(x)+1 == len(y) and set(x).issubset(set(y)):
            coboundary[i,j] = 1
print(f'D^T =\n{coboundary}')
D^T =
[[0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [1 1 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 1 0 1 0 0]
 [1 0 0 1 0 0]]

We now represent \(R^{\mathrm{A}}\) and \(V^{\mathrm{A}}\) as instances of np.array, compute \(U^{\mathrm{A}}\) and verify that \(U^{\mathrm{A}} R^{\mathrm{A}}\) is equal to \(D^{\mathrm{T}}\) as claimed.

def to_array(matrix, e=0):
    """Transforms reduced (e=1) and triangular (e=0) to numpy arrays"""
    array = np.zeros((m+1,m+1), dtype=int)
    for d in range(maxdim+1):
        for i, col in enumerate(matrix[d]):
            for j in col:
                array[idxs[d+e][j], idxs[d][i]] = 1
    return array

antiR, antiV = to_array(reduced, e=1), to_array(triangular, e=0)
antiU = np.array(np.linalg.inv(antiV), dtype=int)
product = np.matmul(antiR, antiU) % 2
print(f'D^T = R^AU^A: {(coboundary == product).all()}')
D^T = R^AU^A: True

Regular barcode and persistent cocycle representatives

from steenroder import compute_barcode_and_coho_reps

barcode, coho_reps = compute_barcode_and_coho_reps(idxs, reduced, triangular)

For every d we have that barcode[d] is a 2D int array of shape (n_bars, 2) containing the birth (entry 1) and death (entry 0) indices of persistent relative cohomology classes in degree d.

for d in range(maxdim+1):
    print(f'The barcode in dim {d}:\n{barcode[d]}')
The barcode in dim 0:
[[-1  0]]
The barcode in dim 1:
[[-1  5]
 [ 3  4]
 [ 1  2]]

We will compare this barcode with its description as

\begin{align*} N \ni j &\mapsto \Big[\, \overline j, \overline{\mathrm{pivot}\,R_j} \, \Big] \in Bar_{{\dim(j)+1}}^{\mathrm{fin}} \\ E \ni j &\mapsto \big[\! -1, \overline j \, \big] \in Bar_{\dim(j)}^{\mathrm{inf}} \end{align*} where

\[P = \{ i \ |\ R_i = 0\}, \qquad N = \{ i \ |\ R_i \neq 0\}, \qquad E = P \setminus \{\text{pivots of } R\}.\]

Let us start by obtaining \(R\) from \(R^{\mathrm{A}}\).

R = np.flip(antiR, [0,1])
print(f'R =\n{R}')
R =
[[0 0 1 0 0 0]
 [0 0 1 0 1 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 1 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0]]

We can not construct the sets \(P\), \(N\) and \(E\).

def pivot(column):
        return max(column.nonzero()[0])
    except ValueError:

P, N, E = [], [], []
for i, col in enumerate(R.T):
    if pivot(col):

print(f'P = {P}\nN = {N}\nE = {E}')
P = [0, 1, 3, 5]
N = [2, 4]
E = [0, 5]

Finally we deduce the barcode from these.

bcode = [[] for d in range(maxdim+1)]

for j in N:
    d = len(filtration[m-j])
    bcode[d].append([m-j, m-pivot(R[:,j])])

for j in E:
    d = len(filtration[m-j])-1
    bcode[d].append([-1, m-j])

for d in range(maxdim+1):
    print(f'The barcode in dim {d}:\n{bcode[d]}')
The barcode in dim 0:
[[-1, 0]]
The barcode in dim 1:
[[3, 4], [1, 2], [-1, 5]]

Let us now consider the other output coho_reps[d][k]. It is a list of positional indices, relative to the d-dimensional portion of the filtration, representing the bar barcode[d][k] for every k.

To express these representatives in terms of cochains, we use that idxs[d] is an int array containing the (ordered) positional indices of all d-dimensional simplices in the filtration.

for d in range(maxdim+1):
    for bar, rel_positions in zip(barcode[d], coho_reps[d]):
        coho_rep = []
        for p in rel_positions:
        print(f"{str(bar): <7} rep. by {coho_rep}")
[-1  0] rep. by [(0,), (1,), (2,)]
[-1  5] rep. by [(0, 2)]
[3 4]   rep. by [(1, 2), (0, 2)]
[1 2]   rep. by [(0, 1), (1, 2)]

We will now compare these representatives to their description as \begin{equation*} [i,j] \mapsto \begin{cases} V_{\bar j}, & i = -1, \\ R_{\bar i}, & i \neq -1. \end{cases} \end{equation*}

V = np.flip(antiV, [0,1])

for d in range(maxdim+1):
    for bar in barcode[d]:
        i,j = bar
        c_rep = []
        if i == -1:
            nonzeros = np.nonzero(V[:,m-j])[0]
            nonzeros = np.nonzero(R[:,m-i])[0]
        for p in nonzeros:
        print(f'{str(bar): <7} rep. by {c_rep}')
[-1  0] rep. by [(2,), (1,), (0,)]
[-1  5] rep. by [(0, 2)]
[3 4]   rep. by [(0, 2), (1, 2)]
[1 2]   rep. by [(1, 2), (0, 1)]


Explain duality between persistent relative cohomology and persistent homology.